
7:00 am Coffee & Networking

Maximizing the ROI of Design Resources

8:10 am Panel Discussion: Pioneering The Future of Computational Design to Facilitate Future Innovations


  • Moving beyond traditional design: what are the new ways to approach complex design challenges and streamline workflows?
  • Leveraging the latest advancements in computational design with a focus on integration strategies and the impact on project outcomes to discover where the richest benefits lie
  • Discussing the potential for future innovations to identify trends and drive the next wave of advancements in automation, optimization, sustainability and data-driven design processes

8:50 am Altering Your Business Model to Drive Innovation While Maximizing Cost- Effectiveness


  • Adapting your business model in response to new tools and processes to balance innovation and cost-effectiveness
  • Aligning the cost of new technology with high value tools to ensure investments in new technologies align with client and business goals
  • Understanding how tools and services adopted can translate directly into new revenue models and allow you to compete through innovation

9:30 am Case-Study: Demonstrating the Return on Investment of Computational Design to Drive Efficiency & Maximize Value


  • Exploring the tangible benefits of computational design in optimizing workflows, reducing project timelines and cutting costs
  • Utilizing data to show how automation improved accuracy and efficiency to provide a higher ROI
  • Examining long-term savings generated by computational design to reduce manual errors and optimize resource allocation

10:10 am Speed Networking & Morning Refreshments

Enhancing Professional Development to Facilitate Project Excellence

10:50 am Training Designers Effectively to Ensure Tasks Are Completed to the Highest Standard


  • Bridging the gap between foundational knowledge and advanced computational skills, and the need for specialized technical training to increase competency
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of different training approaches and the difficulty of maintaining skills over time without regular application
  • Creating practical, on-demand training that aligns with real-world applications and addressing the needs of both novice and advanced users to enhance overall competence

11:30 am Audience Discussion: Balancing Resource Constraints & Computational Design to Uphold Project Quality


  • Supporting computational design with traditional design approaches when resources or project scope do not justify extensive computational involvement
  • Managing workload distribution effectively when faced with limited expertise, ensuring high-quality output across varying project types
  • Setting realistic expectations for computational design capabilities to maintain a steady workflow and consistent project quality

12:10 pm Defining the Differences Between the Roles of Designers & the Purposes of the Computational Design Team to Produce Role Clarity & Enhance Design Outcomes

  • Brian White Director - Computational Design, Rogers, Lovelock & Fritz


  • Assessing how design teams utilize various computational tools and processes to understand how responsibilities are divided and where they fit within the workflow
  • Identifying and delineating distinct functions of computational designers and design teams to improve collaboration and avoid overlap
  • Ensuring that adaptability is still attainable and aligns with role clarity to streamline the design process

12:50 pm Lunch

1:50 pm Speed Learning: Enhancing Skills With Solution-Led Discussion


Speed learning provides an interactive opportunity for the exchange of ideas, hosted by four different facilitators. This will involve a host outlining a mini-case study, followed by a 20-minute discussion/question time revolving around experiences and key themes. After the first session, the process will take place once more, giving each individual the opportunity to take part in two speed learning sessions.

Speed Learning: Implementing Set Practices Within Larger Companies to Elevate Standardization

Join this session to evaluate how to set standards and best practices across multiple offices/locations and ensure you can align your firm’s goals with this simultaneously.

Alfonso Hernandez, Regional Lead – Computational Building Performance Strategist, Gensler

Speed Learning: Discussing Causes of Staff Turnover to Develop a Plan to Reduce & Minimize Its Causes

Discuss how to minimize staff turnover to ensure projects are consistently delivered smoothly and efficiently.

Azubike (Zubi) Ononye, Founder & Digital Transformation Specialist, FutureBreed

Speed Learning: Facilitating Company-Wide Adoption of Resources to Support an Enablement of Creating One’s Own Tools

Discover how to effectively implement development resources and foster internal tool development.

Ayse Heckel, Innovation Engineer, WGI

Speed Learning: Ensuring New Hires Have the Correct Skillset to Guarantee Projects Are Completed to a Superior Quality

Learn and discover various methods for screening potential hires to ensure their skillset is suitable for your most complex projects.

Michael Warren, Associate Vice Principal - Digital Practice Innovation, AECOM

2:50 pm Chair’s Closing Remarks

3:00 pm End of Conference